Unique animals you will see in the United Kingdom

Britain is home to a wide variety of wild animals. While some of Britain's wildlife is indigenous other species were introduced by various settlers and visitors to the Island. Tourists can visit various zoos and parks to encounter and interact with these animals firsthand. Britain has strict rules that are aimed at protecting wildlife. This is because some decades ago large animals that were considered dangerous such as wild boar, the wolf and the brown bear were hunted to the point of extinction.

The following are some of the animals you will see in the United Kingdom:

Britain has mild winters which are suitable for bird species that cannot survive in harsh weather that is common in the surrounding regions. This makes it ideal as a safe haven for migrating birds that need to spend the winter in this island. Annually the island hosts a large influx of wintering birds from the continent and around the globe. About 250 species of birds reside in Britain while more than 300 migrate here regularly. Tourists are likely to encounter the following birds in Britain:



The Tawny owl


The British coast is an ideal place for bird watchers. The white beaches of North Berwick plays host to the Scottish bird center. The center is home to the largest colony of gannets in the world. The Wetland center at Llanelli stretches for about 450 acres. It is home to birds of prey such as kites as well as flamingoes and geese.

Snakes are some of the animals you will see in the United Kingdom. Travelers to Britain are likely to interact with a number of snakes. The most common poisonous snake found here is the European adder. Other types of snakes found in Britain are:

Smooth snake

Grass snake

Britain's wildlife comprise of various mammals. The deer family especially is predominantly the largest wild mammal residing in Britain today. This is because most of the other bigger species such as the brown bear and the grey wolf were hunted to extinction by man throughout the centuries. Recently some of the extinct mammals have been reintroduced to certain areas in the island. The fallow deer which is also common in the island is not a native of this land. It was introduced to this region by Normans from France. With time it adapted and flourished in the land.

                                Sleeping deer

You can interact with most of these mammals by visiting the Longleat Safari Park. Here you will see koalas, panda and polar bears. Other mammals you are likely to see on this island are:

The Sika deer, a smaller species of the deer family that was imported from Japan. It flourished and expanded in Scotland from West to East.

Hedgehogs are probably some of the widely spread mammals in the island. They are known to be quite a nuisance as they tend to make incursions to urban gardens. Unfortunately, these visits make them highly vulnerable to road traffic. Many are killed while crossing dual carriageways and busy motorways.

Moles are also widely spread in Britain. They are known to cause considerable damage to garden lawns due to their subterranean lifestyle.

Shrews are fairly common here; the most abundant species is known as the pygmy shrew and is one of the smallest animals in the world.


                                           A squirrel in London Park

These are particularly numerous across the island. The brown rat famous for its ability to adapt to urbanization is the most abundant animal in the urban settings after human beings.


Red fox
The largest carnivore in the island is the red fox. This species has managed to survive due to its ability to adapt coupled with the ability to seize every opportunity to thrive.

Scottish wildcat
The Scottish wildcat has proved to be quite elusive and rare to see. This has led to speculations over population numbers. Currently it is widely believed to be highly endangered.

There are 17 species of bats that are part of the wildlife in Britain. The pipistrelle is the most common and the smallest in the world.

Marine life

Marine animals are some of the animals you will see in the United Kingdom. Britain has more than 40 species of freshwater fish that are native to the island with salmon being the largest. Saltwater fish includes dangerous species such as sharks. Tourists can interact with native sea dwellers in their natural habitats by taking a boat ride around the Scottish Highland to see the Bottlenose dolphins and the furry seals. Alternatively you can visit the Deep in Hull which is a state-of-the art aquarium housed in a modern building. It has large tanks full of 40 sharks and more than 3,500 species of fish.


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