Pet House

Whether your pet lives inside or outside the house, it requires a safe, cozy place they can retreat to and feel safe. If a pet lives outdoors, it needs a house to protect it from predators such as coyotes and extreme weather. The pet house should be customized to fit the needs of the animal and should be located in a draught-free, dry, warm area.


While some people believe that cats are better off outdoors, the Humane Society of the United States says that cats are happier and healthier indoors. When left outside, cats usually adapt quickly and start foraging for themselves by hunting small prey such as birds, insects, and mice. Their ability to become independent when left outside for a long also make them prone to straying from home.

Unfortunately, leaving your cat outside reduces its lifespan drastically. Studies show that cats living outdoors have a lifespan of approximately two years unlike a cat staying indoors which is likely to live longer than 10 years.

Domestic cats have a strong hunting instinct and despite good feeding, will still hunt and kill mice, chipmunks, and birds. The only way you can keep the cat from hunting and killing other animals is by keeping it in an enclosed place, preferably indoors. In addition, you can socialize it sufficiently to help it accept and live peacefully with other animals.

Cats need their private space, so it is important to designate a quiet area of your house that the cat can identify as its home. The area should have the cat’s food and water, a cozy bed, a litter box, and a scratching post.


Dogs are highly social pets and love attention. While there is a general myth that some dogs thrive outdoors, animal welfare groups and rescuers say that dogs should not only have a good dog house but should also live indoors, especially during extreme weather. According to canine enthusiasts, forcing your barking friend to live outdoors throughout the year is not only unkind but also unhealthy.

Domestic dogs evolved from wolves which live together, play together, hunt together, and sleep together as a pack. Unfortunately, domesticated dogs do not have packs. The only resemblance of a pack your canine has is human company. If you deprive your dog of the human company it craves by forcing it to live outside, you subject it to cruelty by denying the canine its natural desires.

Though some dogs prefer to live outdoors, you need to know that breeds with thick fur overheat easily when outdoors in hot weather such as during the summer, while those with shorter coats can quickly develop hypothermia in cold or wet conditions.

There is no specific canine breed that should be left to live outdoors all the time. And even when outside, dog owners should ensure that the canine is safe and warm by providing a comfortable house for it.

A dog house also known as a kennel or dog crate serves two purposes: to provide a comfortable and private space for the canine and to facilitate training including housebreaking. While these are the basics of a dog house, with time, you can customize the kennel to suit the dog’s personality, home space, and comfort.


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